




Music for Wellness: Feel the Music, See the Light



Integrative Health through Music Therapy



The New Music Therapist’s Handbook 3rd EDITION



Manage Your Stress and Pain through Music



The Remembrance of One




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Other Books:

Mayyim Hayyim (contributing author).  (2009).  Blessings for the Journey: A Jewish Healing Guide for Women with Cancer. Newton, MA:  Mayyim Hayyim.

Hanser, S.B.  (1987). Music Therapist's Handbook.  St.  Louis: Warren Green Publ.  Inc.

Hanser, S.B.  (1976, revised 1980).  Music Therapy Practicum: A Manual for Behavior Change through Music Therapy. Oakland: Pea Press.

Hanser, S.B. (2018). An ear for music. In J. Mahoney. The lives of music therapists: Profiles in creativity. Dallas: Barcelona Press.   

Hanser, S.B. (2015). The education and training of the music therapist.  In J. Edwards (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of music therapy, DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199639755.013.36.

Hanser, S.B. (2014). Cognitive-behavioral therapy. In B. Wheeler. Music therapy handbook. New York: Guilford Press, pp. 161-171.

Hanser, S.B.  (2014).  Music and expressive arts therapies. In D.I. Abrams & A.T. Weil (Eds.), Integrative oncology (2nd Edition). Oxford, UK: Oxford Univ. Press.

Hanser, S.B., & Mandel, S.E.  (2013).  Music therapy for pain management. In J.F. Mondanaro & G.A. Sara (Eds.), Music and medicine: Integrative models in the treatment of pain.  New York:  Satchnote Press.  

Hanser, S.B.  (2010).  Music, health, and well-being.  In P.N. Juslin & J.A. Sloboda (Eds.), Handbook of music and emotion: Theory, research, applications. Oxford, UK: Oxford Univ. Press.

Hanser, S.B.  (2009).  At first and last breath:  Breathing with music in childbirth and near the end of life.  In R. Azoulay & J.V. Loewy (Eds.). Music, the breath and health: Advances in integrative music therapy. New York:  Satchnote Press.  

Hanser, S.B.  (2008).  Music and Alzheimer’s disease. In Z.A. Lewis. I hope they know: The essential handbook on Alzheimer’s disease and care. Virtualbookworm.com.

Hanser, S.B.  & Codding, P. (2008). Music Therapy. In M.I.  Weintraub, R.  Mamtani,  & M.S.  Micozzi (Eds.), Complementary and Integrative Medicine in Pain Management.  New York:  Springer Publishing Company, pp. 41-68.

Hanser, S.B.  (2005).  Music therapy to enhance coping in terminally ill adult cancer patients.  In C.  Dileo & J.V.  Loewy, (Eds.), Music Therapy at the End of Life. Cherry Hill, NJ: Jeffrey Books, pp. 33-42.

Hanser, S.B.  & Mandel, S.E.  (2004).  The effects of music therapy in cardiac healthcare. In W.H.  Frishman, M.I.  Weintraub, & M.S.  Micozzi, (Eds.), Complementary and Integrative Therapies for Cardiovascular Disease. New York: Elsevier, Mosby, 320-330.  

Hanser, S.B.  (2004).  Childbirth, Childdeath.  In J.J.G.  Byers & M.  Forinash (Eds.), Educators, Therapists, and Artists on Reflective Practice. New York: Peter Lang, pp.  129-138.

Hanser, S.B., Codding, P., & Eslinger, P.  (2001).  Music Therapy. In M.I.  Weintraub. (Eds.),  Alternative and Complementary Treatment in Neurologic Illness. New York: Churchill Livingstone, pp. 255-267.

Hanser, S.B.  (2001).  A systems analysis approach to music therapy practica.  In M.  Forinash  (Eds.), Music Therapy Supervision. Gilsum, NH: Barcelona Publ., pp. 87-98.

Hanser, S.B. (2000). The role of music therapy in successful aging. In S.E. Levkoff, Y.K. Chee, & Noguchi, S. (Eds.), Aging in Good Health: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. New York, NY: Springer, pp. 69-88.

Hanser, S.B. (1999). Music therapy with individuals with advanced dementia. In L. Volicer, & L. Bloom-Charette (Eds.), Enhancing the Quality of Life in Advanced Dementia. Washington, DC:   Taylor & Francis, pp. 141-167.

Hanser, S.B. (1999). Using music therapy in treating psychological problems in older adults. In M. Duffy (Eds.), Handbook of Counseling and Psychotherapy with Older Adults. New York: John Wiley & Sons, pp.197-213.

Hanser, S.B. (1999). Relaxing through pain and anxiety at the extremities of life: Applications of music therapy in childbirth and older adulthood. In T. Wigram, & J. deBacker (Eds.), Clinical Applications of Music Therapy in Psychiatry. London: Jessica Kingsley Publ., pp. 158-175.  

Hanser, S.B., Howe, D., & Kelly, K. (1996). Implications for future policy and research. In G.  Yeo, & D.  Gallagher-Thompson (Eds.), Ethnicity and the Dementias. Washington, DC: Taylor & Francis, pp. 245-254.

Hanser, S.B. (1995). Applied Behavior Analysis. In B.  Wheeler (Eds.), Music Therapy Research:   Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives. Phoenixville, PA: Barcelona Publ., pp. 149-164.

Hanser, S.B., & Wheeler, B. (1995).  Experimental Research. In B. Wheeler (Eds.), Music Therapy Research:   Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives. Phoenixville, PA: Barcelona Publ., pp. 129-148.

Hanser, S.B., & Clair, A.A. (1994). Music therapy: Retrieving the losses of Alzheimer's disease for patients and caregivers. In T. Wigram, R. West, & B. Saperston (Eds.), The Art and Science of Music Therapy. Surrey, England: Carden Publications Limited.

Hanser, S.B. (1987).  Observation and feedback techniques for student practica. In Bruscia, K., & C.D. Maranto (Eds.), Perspectives on Music Therapy Education and Training. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Articles in refereed journals:   

Haddad, N.R., Bwardwaj, B.A., Zide, B.S., Kher, H., Lipschitz, J.M., Hernandez, M., Hanser, S.B., Donovan, N. (2024). A remotely delivered, personalized music therapy pilot intervention for lonely older adults during the Covid-19 pandemic. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. https://www.oseponline.org/article/S2950-3868(24)00003-0/fulltext

Quinci, M.A., Belden, A., Goutama, V., Gong, D., Hanser, S., Donovan, N.J., Geddes, M., & Loui, P. (2022). Longitudinal changes in auditory and reward systems following receptive music-based intervention in older adults. Sci Rep 12, 11517 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-15687-5

Hanser, S.B. (2021). The effectiveness of music-based interventions for dementia. Music & Medicine, 13(3), 156-161.

Chew, E., Loui, P., Leslie, G., Palmer, C., Berger, J., Large, E., Bernardi, N., Hanser, S., Thayer, J., Casey, M., & Lambiase, P. (Sept. 18, 2021). Music and heart health. Scientific American,  retrieved from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-music-can-literally-heal-the-heart/.

Hanser, S.B., & Banfield, W.C. (2021). Hearing the music in COVID-19’s medically-induced coma: An interview with Dr. William C. Banfield. Music & Medicine, 13(4), 284-286.Hanser, S.B. (2021). The effectiveness of music-based interventions for dementia. Music & Medicine, 13(3), 156-161.

Clements-Cortes, A., Hanser, S.B., & Mercadal-Brotons, M. (2021). Foundations of dementia care for music therapy and music based interventions: Part I. Music & Medicine, 13(3), 162-168.

Pfeiffer, C.F., Hanser, S., Russo, M.J., Goyheneix, M., Oliva, M., Codding, P., & Allegri, R. (2021). Music based assessment for cognitive functions for Spanish-speaking adults with acquired brain injury (ECMUS): A pilot-validation study. Journal of Music Therapy https://doi.org/10.1093/jmt/thab011.

Hanser, S.B., Clements-Cortes, A., Mercadal-Brotons, M., & Tomaino, C.M. (2020). Editorial: Music therapy in geriatrics. Frontiers in Medicine, 7:87. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2020.00087.

Solodiuk, J., Jantz, B., Fuller, M., Osterling, D., Foxman, H., Grafft, N., & Hanser, S. (2020). The use of music by adolescents and young adults with sickle cell disease. Creative Nursing, 26(3), 189-196.

Wheeler, B.L., Lesiuk, T.L., Burns, D.S., Hanser, S.B., Rossetti, A., & Cassity, M.D. (2019). Music therapy and music medicine studies in oncology: Part I: A comparison. Music & Medicine, 11(3), 145-159.

Wheeler, B.L., Cassity, M.D., Lesiuk, T.L., Burns, D.S., Rossetti, A., & Hanser, S.B. (2019). Music therapy and music medicine studies in oncology: Part II: The use of the Delphi Technique. Music & Medicine, 11(3), 160-165.

Vink, A., & Hanser, S.B. (2018). Music-based interventions for people with dementia: A mini-review. Medicines. doi: 10.3390/medicines5040109.

Loui, P., Patel, A., Wong, L., Gaab, N., Hanser, S., & Schlaug, G. (2018). Music, sound, and health: A meeting of the minds in neurosciences ad music. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences: Special Issue – The Neurosciences and Music VI. 1423, 7 – 9.

Roseen, E., Cornelio-Flores, O., Lemaster, C., Hernandez, M., Fong, C., Resnick, K., Wardle, J., Hanser, S.B., & Saper, R. (2017). Inpatient massage therapy versus music therapy versus usual care: A mixed-methods feasibility randomized controlled trial, Global Advances in Medicine and Health doi.org/10.1177/2164957X17735816.

Hanser, S. (2016).Twenty years of music therapy at Berklee College of Music. Approaches: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Music Therapy, First View (Advance online publication), 1-8.

Hanser, S.B. (2015). Only in memory. South Street: A Literary Journal, 2,99-105.

Hanser, S.B., & Neikrug, M. (2015). Healing Ceremony: Perspectives on the music by the composer Narc Neikrug and music therapist Suzanne Hanser. Music and Medicine, 7(1), 49-52.

Hanser, S. B. & Mandel, S. E. (2014).  Harmony of the heart: Music therapy. Investigations of music therapy in cardiac rehabilitation. Harmonie des Herzens: Musiktherapie. Untersuchungen zur Musiktherapie in der kardiologischen Rehabilitation. Music-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie, 25(1), 3-8.

Hanser, S.B.  (2014).  Music therapy in cardiac health care. Cardiology in Review, 22(1), 37-42.

Hanser, S.B.  (2012).   Music therapy-based mechanisms for coping with stress and pain.  Journal of Urban Culture Research, Special Issue 2012, 98-108.

Hanser, S.B., & Mandel, S.E.  (2012).  Music therapy for pain management. Practical Pain Management, June, 16-20.

Hanser, S.B., Butterfield-Whitcomb, J., Kawata, M.,& Collins, B. (2011).  Home-based music strategies with individuals who have dementia and their family caregivers, Journal of Music Therapy, 48(1), 2-27.

Mandel, S.E., Hanser, S.B., Ryan, L. (2010). Effects on a music-assisted relaxation and imagery compact disc recording on health-related outcomes in cardiac rehabilitation. Music Therapy Perspectives, 28, 11-21.

Hanser, S.B. (2010). Learning how to die: Lessons from my son. Mothering, Bereavement, Loss and Grief, 3(2), 11-15.

Hanser, S.B. (2009). In the music. Fusion: A Magazine of Literature, Music, Art, and Ideas, 1(1), 43-45.

Hanser, S.B.  (2009). From ancient to integrative medicine: Models for music therapy. Music and Medicine, 1(2), 87-96.  

Deng, G.E. et al. (including Hanser, S.B.) (2009). Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for integrative oncology:  Complementary therapies and botanicals. Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology, 7(3), 85-120.  

Mandel, S.E., Hanser, S.B., Secic, M, & Davis, B.A.  (2007).  Effects of music therapy on health-related outcomes in cardiac rehabilitation: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Music Therapy, 44(3), 176-197.

Hanser, S.B., Bauer-Wu, S., Kubicek, L., Healey, M., Manola, J., Hernandez, M., & Bunnell, C.  (2006). Effects of a music therapy intervention on quality of life and distress in women with metastatic breast cancer. Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology, 5(1), 14-23.

Hanser, S.B.  (2006). Music therapy research in adult oncology. Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology, 4(2), 62-66.

Hanser, S.B.  (2005). Challenges to music therapy in a world of need. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 32(3), 217-224.

Hanser, S.B.  (2005). Effects of a music therapy intervention for women with metastatic breast cancer (Abstract). Oncology Nursing Forum, 32(1), 185-186.

Hanser, S.B.  (2004). A phenomenological analysis of music in childbirth. The Journal of Pedagogy, Pluralism, and Practice, 9.  www.lesley.edu/journals/jppp/9/index.html.

Hanser, S.B., & Mandel, S.E. (2004). The effects of music therapy on cardiac healthcare.  Cardiology in Review, 13(1), 18-23.

Hanser, S.B.  (1996). Music therapy to reduce anxiety, agitation, and depression. Nursing Home Medicine, 4(10), 286-291.

Hanser, S.B.  (1996). Evolution of a research experiment: A personal account. Music Therapy International Report, 10, 20-22.  

Standley, J.M., & Hanser, S.B.  (1995).  Music therapy research and applications in pediatric oncology treatment. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 12(1), 3-8.

Hanser, S.B., & Thompson, L.W.  (1994).  Effects of a music therapy strategy on depressed older adults. Journal of Gerontology, 49(6), P265-P269.

Canning, E.H., Hanser, S.B., Shade, K.A., & Boyce, T. (1993). Maternal depression and distress and parent-child discrepancy in reports of psychopathology in chronically ill children.  Psychosomatics, 34(6), 506-511.

Canning, E.H., Hanser, S.B., Shade, K.A., & Boyce, T.  (1992).  Mental disorders in chronically ill children: Parent-child discrepancy and physician identification. Pediatrics, 90(5), 692-696.

Burling, T.A., Seidner, A.L., Robbins-Sisco, D., Krinsky, A., & Hanser, S.B. (1992). Batter up!  Relapse prevention for homeless veteran substance abusers via softball team participation.  Journal of Substance Abuse, 4(4), 407-413.  

Hanser, S.B. (1990). A music therapy strategy for depressed older adults in the community.  Journal of Applied Gerontology, 9(3), 283-298.

Hanser, S.B. (1989). Music therapy with depressed older adults. Journal of the International Association of Music for the Handicapped, 4(4), 16-27.

Hanser, S.B. (1988). Controversy in music listening/stress reduction research. Arts in Psychotherapy, 15, 211-217.

Hanser, S.B. (1985). Music therapy and stress reduction research. Journal of Music Therapy, 22(4), 193-206.

Hanser, S.B. (1985-1990). Music for handicapped learners. California Music Educators News, 38-42.

Hanser, S.B.  (1984).  Music group psychotherapy: An evaluation model. Music Therapy Perspectives,1(4), 14-16.

Hanser, S.B., Larson, S.C., & O'Connell, A.S. (1983). The effect of music on relaxation of expectant mothers during labor. Journal of Music Therapy, 20(2), 50-58.

Hanser, S.B., Larson, S.C., & O'Connell, A.S. (1983). Music therapy-assisted labor: Effects on relaxation of expectant mothers. Birth Psychology Bulletin, 4(1), 2-12.

Hanser, S.B.  (1983).  Music therapy: A behavioral perspective. The Behavior Therapist, 6, 5-8.

Hanser, S.B.  (1982).  The effect of peer approval and disapproval on improvement of pitch matching and group behavior. Journal of Research in Music Education, 30(4), 221-228.

Furman, C.E., & Hanser, S.B. (1981) Make time for music: No experience necessary. Day Care and Early Education, Winter, 18-20.

Hanser, S.B., & Furman, C.E. (1980). The effect of videotape-based feedback "vs." field-based feedback on the development of applied clinical skills. Journal of Music Therapy, 18(3), 103-112.

Hanser, S.B.  (1978). A systems analysis model for teaching practicum skills. Journal of Music Therapy, 15(1), 21-35.

Hanser, S.B. (1974).  Group-contingent music listening with emotionally disturbed boys. Journal of Music Therapy, 11(4), 220-225.

Hanser, S.B.  (1974). Note to the Editor. Journal of Music Therapy, 11(1), 55-56.

Greer, R.D., Dorow, L., & Hanser, S.B. (1973). Music discrimination training and the music selection behavior of nursery and primary level children. Council for Research in Music Education, 35, 30-43.

Hanser, S.B., & Madsen, C.K. (1972). Comparisons of graduate and undergraduate research in music therapy. Journal of Music Therapy, 9(2), 88-93.

Articles in non-refereed journals:  

Hanser, S.B. (2017). Surviving cancer with music at your side. Coping, 31(1). http://copingmag.com/cwc/index.php/feature_article/surviving_cancer_with_music_by_your_side

Loewy, J., Hanser, S.B., & Mondanaro, J. (September, 2013). Music therapy as an integrative treatment for pain.  American Chronic Pain Association Chronicle. Accessed at: http://www.theacpa.org/uploads/Chronicles/chronicle_september2013_ONLINE_083113.pdf

Hanser, S.B. (March/April, 2012). Make music your therapy: The therapeutic benefits of music.  Coping, 12.

Hanser, S.B. (2012). Improve your health with music. Bottom Line Health, 1-4.