Many of us around the world are isolated at this time – we’re social distancing, in quarantine, sheltering-in-place, or simply alone. Support systems are disrupted, and all of us are at risk for increased anxiety, depression, and compromised immune systems. So, how can we connect with loved ones without touching them?


Fortunately, if you are able to read this blog, then you can access music through all sorts of apps and devices. As I wrote in Music Brings Harmony to the Staccato of the World, you can create playlists to change how you feel. But, sometimes plugging in those earbuds can result in an even greater sense of isolation from others.


Make a determined effort to focus on meaningful music, rather than listening just to block out bad news and outside chaos.

*As you immerse in your music, listen to what is happening in your body, mind, and spirit.

*Notice the memories that are ignited, the images that color your mind, and the associations that evoke pleasant moods and good feelings.

*Next, share some of your favorite music with others. Send a link to a friend, remind family of music played at an important event, or discover some new music and recommend it on social media.

*Better yet, sing along with music you love, improvise with body percussion, or dance around the room.  

*Connect with loved ones to listen together and find ways to enhance the music by harmonizing, accompanying with percussion or other instruments, or talking about what you love about the music.

*If you are stuck at home, engage everyone in sharing their favorites and start a dance party or sing-off. All ages are welcome!

*You can record and post these creative experiences to show people you know that you are doing just fine.

*Or, you can move out on your balcony, like people in Italy are doing, to come together in community, even when a quarantine is in effect.


Enjoy this hand chime improvisation!

Interested in more ways to apply music? Check out this book and CD
